FM scripts - EI_Script_FM - Param Use column

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FM scripts - EI_Script_FM - Param Use column

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Although this column is generated automatically it may be sometimes usfull to understand its meaning.
The exception here is FM that depict the Function Module.

Normally the first letter in this column has usually one of four values:
I - for import parameters
E - for export parameters
C - for export/import (changed) parameters
T - for tables (export/import)

The addition F depicts field of structured parametes (structures or tables)

The addition R depicts Return message structue/ Return message table
Here special coding is used
RT depicts message type field
RI depicts message ID field
RN depicts message number field
RM depicts message text field
R1 first parameter of the message
R2 second parameter of the message
R3 third parameter of the message
R4 fourth parameter of the message
RP parameter to which message refers
RF field of the parameter to which message refers
RR row of the input to which the message refers

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